Toilet Equity in 2024
A year of learning and solidifying
Providing equitable toilet access for those without,
in service of community and environmental health
Arthur Acuario
Maria Chacon
Terri Chinn
Landon Ellis
Lucy Graham
Emma Goertz
Bill Hilty
Mike Leudtke
Stephen Marshall
Jada Mulford
Rebecca Mullen
Charlie Padyk
Paul Padyk
Volunteer Hours...
Annette Parker
Logan Pettit
Avery Pope
Akinola R.
Francis Raley
Randall Reitz
Morgan Rhein
Brandon Ross
Kari Scholtes
Anne Schudy
Roney Tanner
Clark Thompson
Kelly Thompson
Quimby Family Foundation
and the Western Colorado Community Foundation
Rocky Mountain Health Foundation
Special thanks to board members Chuck Breaux, MD and Paula Lopez, DO
Bruce Dixson Fund
and the Western Colorado Community Foundation
Ridgley Family Foundation
and the Western Colorado Community Foundation
St. Mary's Hospital Foundation
and Intermountain Health

Christi Reece
and The Circle Fund
Toilet Titans
Spotlight and Legacy Donors who gave over $1000 in 2024
Terri Chinn
Bill & Jill Hilty
Karen & Mark Madsen​​
Kendra & Chuck McDaniel
Paul Padyk
Kelly Thompson​
Legacy Donors
Special thanks to our recurring donors, whose monthly donations allow us to commit to getting more toilets out into the field to help provide equitable toilet access in our community.
Legacy Luminaries
Gifts of up to $75 each month
​Coming Soon​​
Eco-Equity Enthusiasts
Gifts of up to $50 each month
Chuck Breaux, MD
Terri Chinn
David Pettit​
Avery Pope
Relief Revolutionaries
Gifts of up to $25 each month
Penny Crom
John Erickson
Bill & Uschi Hall
Bill Hilty
Mike Luedtke
Mary Thom​
Composting Champions
Gifts of up to $10 each month
Mariah Weigel
Mary Weigel​
Spotlight Donors
Sanitation Saviors
Gifts of up to $1000
Carl Fernandez
Linda Mendenhall​​
Dignity Defenders
Gifts of up to $500
John Gribben
Avery Pope​
Privacy Protectors
Gifts of up to $250
John & Jennifer Flanagan
Brent Fowler
Janet Hurd
Steve & Petra Pope
Kari Scholtes
Third Sector Innovations
Michael & Patrice Whistler
Dufford Waldeck
Walmart Spark Good​
Poo-tential Pioneers
Gifts of up to $100
Christie Aschwanden​
Alexander Beyer
Thomas Betts
Charlie Blackmer
Trish Brown
Suzanne Caldwell
Andrea Carleton
Linda Cayton
Anne Chamberlin
Gary Dorosz
Lauren Goodknight
Caitlin Henkel
Sheila Hurd
Judy Kohin
Peggy Link
David Orton
Rob Pierce
Janey & Karl Prager
Susan Rawlins
Rachel Sauer
Anne Schmidt
Kenneth Scissors
Kari Sewell
Peg Sharp
Jennifer Stauffer
Danielle Taro
Mary Thom
Timberline Bank
Bill & Linda White
Many thanks to our other generous donors who wish to remain anonymous.
And over
in in-kind
donations from our business partners...

​Rebecca Mullen Coaching, LLC
Redlands United Methodist Congregation
Riverside Education Center
Sawmill Unlimited
We collected:
This year we also...
“Access to toilet facilities contributes to both health and human dignity. Many people are dependent entirely on public facilities - which are extremely limited in our community. Toilet Equity has reached out to address this need.”
-Sister Karen,
Grand Valley Catholic Outreach,
Grand Junction, CO
“Having the toilets has done a great deal for those experiencing homelessness. It has helped prevent the number of public urination charges in the community. For those already struggling to get back on their feet, it has helped a great deal to give access to toilets and prevent people from being forced to publicly use the bathroom and potentially get a criminal charge.”
Advisory Group Member
Grand Junction, CO
A Bigger Compost Site
We're currently composting on our generous founder's property, and are running out of room! We need a new site to expand to in order to keep serving the Grand Valley and so that we can install more toilets and keep more poop and pee off the streets of our community.
If you have an idea of someone we could partner with near Grand Junction, CO, let us know!
Stay tuned for compost updates, including:
Building the new site,
Testing our 2024 piles as they come of age,
And how we'll use the finished compost!