Our annual report is in!
In 2024, we learned how much it takes to maintain our 7 toilets! To make that happen, we hired on-the-ground employees, bought a truck, and retrofitted our toilets with sturdier materials so that they can take the increased use.
Read the whole report (it’s worth it, we promise) on our website, or keep scrolling for the highlights.

We have 7 toilets in the field!
We partner with local businesses and organizations who host our toilet in their parking lot. We’re currently improving the floor and walls on each one to make them able to withstand the increased use we’re seeing!

Over 700 volunteer hours!
Many, many thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers,
we would not be where we are today without you!
Our toilets are hand-built by our volunteers.
Along with our employees, they do everything from picking up building materials, to painting and assembling our toilets, to rounding on them each day.
We really value that our toilets get hands-on love every day!

Over $70,000 raised!
We received grants from the Quimby Family Foundation, Rocky Mountain Health Foundation, the Bruce Dixson Fund in conjunction with Western Colorado Community Foundation, the Ridgley Family Foundation, St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation, and the Christi Reece Group, in addition to private donations from 93 individual donors, along with in-kind donations including sawdust and warehouse space.
Our toilets are entirely donor-funded: our many thanks go out to our generous donors!

With your support, we collected
27,087 Poops
(That’s enough poop to fill an above-ground swimming pool!)

2,387 Gallons of Pee
(That’s enough pee to fill the bed of two full-sized pickup trucks!)

And together we provided
62,892 Toilet Uses!

This year we also:
Built 8 new compost piles
Were featured on All Things Considered
Launched a merch store
Hired 5 new employees throughout the year
Held 4 public events, including a discussion of water issues in our community with Conservation Colorado
Retrofitted our toilets with more durable and cleanable materials to withstand their increased use

Thank you to all of our volunteers, donors, and supporters who made our success this year possible.
We are very excited to continue working with you in 2025to continue providing equitable toilet access for those without, in service of community and environmental health.
This article originally appeared in our January 2025 email newsletter.