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We need your help!


We need your help! Early Giving for Colorado Gives Day starts today, and the Colorado Gives Foundation is offering a limited match on all new recurring donations, up to $100 each. This match is only available until the funds run out, so we need your help to make the most out of it while it’s still here!

If you set up a new recurring gift today, your donation will be doubled by the Colorado Gives Foundation up to $100. Paul, our wonderful founder, is also paying tribute to everyone who donates with him during Colorado Gives season and has offered to double each gift until his match runs out as well! On top of all that, your gift will be boosted by the $1M+ Incentive Fund, made possible by Colorado Gives Foundation and FirstBank.

As if you needed more, your gift is now eligible for the Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit, meaning you could get a 25% tax credit on your donation today.

Adding it all up: Your recurring donation today of $100 will more than triple to over $300, and could only cost you $75!

That covers over 100 uses of a Toilet Equity toilet! That’s 100 people who get to poop in peace, thanks to you.

Last year, Coloradoans raised over $54 million statewide, and we raised almost $4000! You can help us achieve even more this year.

Thank you for your support and making this Colorado Gives Day the most successful yet.

To health and community,

From all of us here at Toilet Equity

P.S. You’ve helped keep over 14,000 poops and over 2,200 gallons of pee off the streets of Grand Junction so far this year! That’s a pile of poop the size of a large tool shed. Thank you for helping keep our community safe and clean for everyone to enjoy!

This article was originally sent to email subscribers on November 1, 2024. Want to get similar notifications? Subscribe to our newsletter!

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