If you were to put a price tag on your privacy, what would it be?
Would it be $50… $100… $200?
How much would you fork over to guarantee you wouldn’t get any of your own poop on yourself?
How about not being on edge when you relieve and wipe yourself?
Or not having to hunch over in a low squat?
To have a full roll of toilet paper you can easily tear pieces away from?
To simply drop that soiled toilet paper and walk away with your dignity intact?
Forgive me, but this email has a lot of questions… that’s by design.
These are the myriad of small luxuries that many take for granted when we effortlessly use our bathrooms at home.
We can sit and relax and flush… and know we’re not being watched.
When you're exposed on all sides, you have to juggle these questions and risks in your head. It’s nonstop concerns and calculations when you hunt for a place to “go”.
If you could alleviate all those problems with $2.87, would that be worth it to you?
That’s the amount that it takes for us to pay for a single use of our toilets. Broken down like that, it’s not much in terms of dollars and cents, but huge in terms of compassion.
Would you compassionately donate to our cause to help us reach our end-of-year goal?
To health & community,
Kaitlin Pettit
CEO, Toilet Equity
P.S. If you missed our previous emails, our board member match is happening right now! This means they've pledged $2,000 to match your generosity.

Donating right now means your $1 instantly becomes $2.