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Will you share your peace today?


My toddler can now open the bathroom door. While I’m in there. 

Worse, if I bring her in with me, she can unlock the door and open it, exposing my naked self to my husband or whoever else is out there. 


I still have a door

I can lock my toddler on the other side of it if I need to, or keep it barricaded shut so no one sees my nakedness. I can do my business in (relative) peace. 

2,300 people in our community can’t say the same. They don’t have a bathroom to go in peace in, let alone a door to lock behind them. 

You can give someone that door today. Toilet Equity toilets provide a private bathroom for over 100 people each day, deadbolt included. With your support, we can install even more toilets in the coming year, bringing peace and privacy to hundreds more in our community. 

Today is Colorado Gives Day, a day of community and sharing. Thank you for being a part of that. Will you share the peace you feel in your own bathroom with someone else in our community and donate to Toilet Equity today? 

Peaceful pooping,


CEO, Toilet Equity

P.S. Every time I lock that bathroom door, I’m reminded how grateful I am for that little slice of privacy. What daily moment brings you that same comfort and peace? 



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